I have a dream that one day
the plastic and garbage that we put
in the trash will turn into flowers
like the ones that go in our gardens.
I have a dream that george bush
will not be president any more
And there will be peace on the
streets And in the world. so instead
of police circling around there will
be people hugging not hitting.
I have a dream that one day hate
will turn into love!
I have a dream that children have a voice
that's heard! I have a dream that
nature will be saved and restored
and the fuels go away and will only
be left with the smell of trees and
fresh dew and rain.
I have a dream that one day it won't be all about
money that there will be enough to
go around and it will be more about
the environment. I have a dream that
pollution will disappear and the extinct
animals will get back
to normal. I have a dream
that people would notice what
we're doing they're killing our
I have a dream that
I will have money And be wealthy.
I will have a
house. I have a dream that
the people who drop cans on the
street realize what they're doing wrong.
I have a dream that the workers
who build stop because all the
cement And metal in a block
on a place that could be green
grass. and where the bathroom is in that
building there could be an oak tree
I have a dream that the people
with no clean water will one day do
a ocean that's clean it would
bring joy to people tears come down
their cheeks so happy. I have a dream
that people will stop cutting down trees.
trees provide oxygen that we need to
breathe. I have a dream that the nuclear
weapons Are not allowed And the people's hearts
and mind will turn around
and realize and stop what they're
I have a dream that one day people will understand
what the world needs and what people
need in our world.