Thursday, December 20, 2007

My Grandma’s House/Running- by Chaia

My Grandma's House

My grandma lives in Connecticut. My dad and I visit on summer breaks. We didn’t visit last summer, but I’m pretty sure we went all the rest of the summers. When we go, we go for about ten days. My grandma’s house has a pool, a huge trampoline, and a little playground.

My grandma’s name is Donna, but I call her Grandma Donna. My grandma is unique. She is not like other grandma’s. Grandma Donna runs, jumps, swims, and all other things. It’s really fun to play with her. She wants to be active. Most grandmas like knitting and listening to the radio, stuff like that (at I think so). Grandma Donna is my dad’s mom. My dad takes after his mom, and I hope I take after my dad and my grandma when I’m older.


Running up hill,
Running down hill,
Running on the smooth road,
Running on the scratchy grass,
My grandma’s fast.
It’s like the wind blowing her away
Down the road…
And when she finally gets tired,
She doesn’t even notice that she has gone ten miles.
It’s late now,
And it’s almost dinner time,
So she walks home with the swift wind against her body
And the darkness creeping up behind her.

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