Friday, October 12, 2007

a letter from your editors

Dear Air class writers,

Look what you've done! This is an impressive collection of vignettes, letters, short stories, and poetry. Congratulations on your first workshop publication! We like how you tried out many different writing strategies. We noticed writers:
-writing in the form of a letter, following the model of Leigh in Dear Mr. Henshaw (Beverly Cleary).
-"Writing Small", using lots of sensory details like we saw in The Seashore Book (Charlotte Zolotow).
-"Writing off an Object", a strategy we explored through story-telling treasures and Wilfred Gordon McDonald Partridge (Mem Fox).
-exploring questions and "Fierce Wonderings".
-telling stories from several viewpoints, like Knots on a Counting Rope (Bill Martin Jr. and John Archambault).

Congratulations. Let's celebrate and get ready for the next writing cycle!

your editors (Kristin & Seema)

Spinning Cupcakes--Dewi

On Sunday Sept. 30th, I went to the "How Berkeley Can You Be?" parade. It's a place where people show how crazy Berkeley (a.k.a Berzerkley) is. They have spinning cupcakes, art cars, horses, the pink man, and banana bike.

My favorite are the cupcakes. They're soft, squishy, and big. You sit in them, and only your head sticks out. Who ever's driving gets this funny hat. If your cupcake is pink with stuffed M&Ms, your hat will be pink with stuffed M&M's. There was one with baby in it. He kept putting his head up, and when he went down an adult came up. I don't get how they see and drive at the same time. There might be a remote.

I imagine it's very hot inside. I wonder what it's like to look out at the crowd instead of looking at the parade. I guess they see the parade enough from spinning. I imagine a hot, brown, squishy ball inside. It's all soft except a hard, leather seat. If I was in one, I would have to duck all the candy being thrown. I wonder what you do if you get too dizzy.

I like how people from Bezerkeley (a.k.a. Berkeley) like to be crazy, and I think the world should know.

Cat and Mouse on Fourth Street--Conor

Once there was a cat and mouse. Each had $3.00 and they were best friends. They were walking down on Fourth Street.

The cat wanted to look at some Stubb's meat seasoning in Sur la Table. But the mouse wanted to look at some aged gouda in The Pasta Shop. So they decided to split up and meet at Peet's in an hour.

When they met at Peet's, they were both sad. Both the cheese and the steak seasoning were $3.99. But the cat had an idea. "Why don't I help you buy the cheese and tomorrow you help me buy the Stubb's meat seasoning?"

So they went back to The Pasta Shop and got the cheese. They got the Stubb's meat seasoning at Sur la Table the next day. The End.

Camp Casadero--Naama

Once when I was at Camp Casadero, I had a broken collar bone. I couldn't go on hikes. So instead Joseph and I went on a walk with my mom while my dad and brother were on a 2 mile hike.

We went down a trail and got to a waterfall with logs across the stream it went into. Joseph and I walked on the logs while my mom went on the bank. We almost caught a toad, but it was camaflouged too well.

Then we stopped to eat some lunch. After that we went back and we caught a lizard on the grass leash.

We went back to our cabin with the lizard to change into our bathing suit. After we changed we went to the pool and it bit me. I named him Bitty. When we got there he ran into a clump of grass under a rock. On the other side of the rock there was a small lizard. That was the best lizard on Earth. I named him Cutey.

Camp Casadero was great even though I had a broken collarbone.

Dear Mario, --Stuart

Dear Mario,
I know you don't exist, but I'm still going to write to you-this is it. It feels really cool playing Super-Mario Brothers. I want all the games-don't worry I'm not like Wario. I want a game called "Mario and Luigi vs. Baby Mario and Baby Luigi." Or "Super Chalk Mario." I really, really like your video games. I have some questions for you:
1. How old are you?
2. How old is Luigi?
3. How old is toad?
4. What's your last name?


p.s. You are my favorite video game character to play.

A Beautiful Thought--Amaya

A beautiful thought
is a stream that trickles down
and there's flowers all around.
The bees hum in your ears,
and you run your fingers through the water.
The birds sing.
The grass is green
and the trees make a gentle breeze.
The plants green with laughter
your head is refreshed with memories
from when you were a kid.
When your mom made you wash your face in the stream,
and she made you fresh cookies,
and you shared them with your friend.

A kid's view . . .
I'm at the stream and I'm washing my face in the stream.
The nice cool water as clear as plain glass.
I run my hands under the water.
I feel the little rocks that line the bottom
with nice smooth moss.

And then I hear my mom call me.
She said, "fresh cookies,
and your friend is coming over."

My head springs up-
the little strings of hair that weren't in my bun flang back,
making a mist and dripping.

As I enter the house,
the smell of baking cookies fills the whole house
and even the bathroom.
I hear the doorbell ring.
I run to answer -
it was my friend.

We say bye to her mom,
we shut the door.
We run down the hall into the kitchen.
We grab a cookie.
My mom says wash your hands-
but we were already out the door.
She did a sigh.

We went to my swing
and ate our cookies.
And then we went inside
and played hide-and-seek
and had another cookie or so.

The Tour Guide--Jason

A tour guide was showing people a tropical forest. One of the people asked what a mango tasted like, so the guide cut a mango off the tree and gave it to the person. The person took a bite and said it was the best thing he ever tasted, and it smelled good too. Then all the people wanted one. The guide cut all of the mangoes off the mango tree and they walked on.

They came to a guava tree heavy with guavas and the guide said, "Anyone want a guava?" And all the people yelled, "YES!" So the guide cut some of the guavas off the tree and gave two guavas to every person. They all popped the guavas into their mouths.

Suddenly, a jaguar jumped out of the bushes and ate all the people. It said, "Yummmmmmmmmm," and suffocated himself and died. He suffocated because he said yum too long without taking a breath.

All the king vultures came and ate some of the jaguar and all the insects buzzed overhead.

My Cat--Jack

My cat's name is Demitasse, like a small cup of coffee. She is black and white. She is kind of cuckoo. She has a brain chemical imbalance. But, we still love her.

She is also scared. Sometimes I get crazy around her and she gets scared of me. But, otherwise she's nice.

She bites a lot. She bit me once and left a scar on my hand for 4 years.

She got adopted way before I was born from the SPCA. My parents picked her because they thought she was hissing to protect her sister, but really she was just crazy. She used to climb into the stove! Because the oven lights were always on. We had to check before we had dinner!

The Pig with the Wig--Owen

Dear Fig Tree,

I am sorry for eating one of your figs.

It probably surprised you,
because pigs usually don't eat figs.

Why did I get big when I ate one of your figs?

And why did my wig get bigger?

I don't know,
you might not know,
and if you don't know,
then nobody probably knows.

Whatever it is,
it is S.T.R.A.N.G.E (Sickness Terminal Relanded At No Great Elevator).


Pig with the Wig


The best part about skateboarding is that you learn something. You can learn how to do tricks and jump high. How I learned to jump is I put up half the skateboard and moved the foot up to the higher part of the skateboard. And I did an ollie. Which was my first trick I learned. My brother told me that I had to work on it. My brother taught me all the other tricks, a 360 and a kick flip. He is 24 today and he's been teaching me at home on the sidewalk. That's why skateboarding means a lot to me.

Dear Owen--Abby G.


Dear Owen,

Do you remember that time when you sent me that email?
The funny bunny one.

The only thing it said was: funny bunny!

Well...You sent it to the wrong handle. After that you said: I'm going to send it to random people. Owen, I think you are crazy.

I'm gonna change the subject to another funny thing.

A few days later my brother bumped into the wall and missed the door by inches. My brother is really clutzy. It was so funny.


P.S. ...

Thursday, October 11, 2007

The Hurricane--Adam

When I was in Michigan, there was a hurricane. My mom was in the car while my uncle was in the main room of the house. Right before he came out of the main room, a tree fell over. Everyone ran out and they locked the doors. My uncle was banging on the windows. The people who worked in the office came back.

My aunt was down at the beach. She ran up the stairs. My grandpa had locked the door. My aunt just got up from the beach. My grandpa couldn't unlock the door. Finally we opened the door. Then we saw this man who was running from house to house. We didn't know what he was doing.

Then we went outside and went to Mrs. Wolf's house. There was a tree on her house. The branches were hanging off the window and the fence was smashed. Then I went to my friend's house. We were going to go to Sherman's to have ice cream, but when I asked a man, he said that Sherman's was closed. It was closed because the power went out. So we had ice cream at my friend's house. Me and my friend had to dodge lightning all the way home.


I am in the moonlight, waiting for the stars
until this bright light hits me from far.
I feel like it's an angel, waiting for me above.
I feel like it's a gift, trying to find me to tell me that it's here.

The more I move back from it,
the more my feet get heavier.
The more I move to it,
the more my feet get lighter-
until they're normal again.

I feel like it's there, but I can't see it.
Maybe that's it,
maybe that bright light is it.
Wait, oh no-
right when I was about to say my last words
I woke up.

But that's okay,
I can get back to it
and maybe I can investigate on what it was
before I run out of time . . .
and I can over-sleep a little bit.
But I have to get to school-

The Sun--Adrian

Have you ever been to the sun?

When you go to the sun, it is hot. You probably won't survive there for a long time because it is so hot. When you step on it it feels squishy, like oatmeal. It probably smells like burnt bacon. And it probably tastes like burnt bacon, too. BE WARNED! DON'T GO!!! Because if you do . . . you'll get shriveled up to a sausage on a plate at home. With ketchup and mustard. And, there's a joke about the ketchup and mustard . . . wait, I'm getting totally side-tracked.

So, do you still want to visit the sun? I bet you do!

My Dad's 100-mile Race--Chaia

My dad's hundred mile race was in August, and I went to it. I had to wake up at 5am. My dad's friend Marissa was driving me around. We were crewing him. Crewing is when you meet your runner at all the different aid stations. The race was in Mount Tam--it was called "Headlands 100 and 50", because there was a 50-mile race going on at the same place. On the way there, I ate a berry muffin that we had bought the day before. When we got there it was about 6am. The race started at 7am, so we had to wait in the freezing cold. Oh, and when we got there, a man gave me a glow necklace. (A few days later I made it into glow bracelets.)

When the race started, my dad was in the front. After it started, we went to the beach that was right in front of the start. After the beach we went to meet my dad at the second aid station (we forgot to go to the first one). At the second aid station, we saw the guy who gave me the glow necklace, so he gave me some more glow sticks and connectors (connectors are stuff that connect the glow sticks). There were lots more aid stations and all of the aid stations were repeated four or five times.

The finish was at the same place as the start. My dad finished on the morning of the next day. When my dad finished, he ate a doughnut and drank some tea or coffee-I forget which one it was. Oh, I forgot, my dad got seventh place. I had a bad cramp when he was finished, so I just had half a doughnut, a little of a bagel, and some hot chocolate. After that we went home. When we got home it felt so good to see my mom, brush my hair (because my hair was all tangly), and take a shower. After my dad took a shower, he was laying in my bed. My mom and brother went out and got my dad some breakfast and got me some coke because I was exhausted. The rest of the day was great, too.

Me, The Banana Gecko--Zavrey

Hello! I am a banana gecko. My back is lime green and my belly is yellow. I have black shiny eyes. I eat baby food and invertebrates like crickets, wax worms, and mealworms. I am fast and cute. I live in Zavrey's house in a nice terrarium that Zavrey bought for me. In my terrarium there are lots and lots of tropical plants and it is kind of damp even though there is a lamp. Zavery holds me a lot, at least everyday after school. It feels really good when he holds me. Zavrey mists the cage every night. Sometimes on accident he mists me-I hate it, but I don't get mad because it's an accident (and I'm not a snooty-poo, I'm a happy-poo). Zavrey gets sad when he mists me because he knows I don't like it.

The Play-Date--Joseph

When I was in the Wood Class/1st grade, in the middle of the year, I had a play-date at Leah's house. Her house was really cool! We played a few games, and then, like most play dates, we didn't know what to do. So we thought a lot.

Then I saw an old looking basket on the floor. I asked Leah what was in it. Leah told me that it was where they kept their Barbies. I got an idea then: We could drop the Barbies down the stairs! I admit, the idea sounds really cuckoo, but it was pretty funny. We did it about 10 times and then the play-date ended.

When I got home and went in my bedroom, all the memories of the Barbies falling down the stairs came to my mind and I laughed so much that my sides hurt! I still remember it to this day.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

I Only Ate Three Post-its--Abbey C.

I only ate three post-its before,
but I guess that was too much.
My legs started to turn to paper,
and my eyes started to bulge.

But I kept on eating my post-its,
or they would get too old.
I ate them all day and I ate them all night,
and guess what?
My feet went away!

I was all yellow paper,
I could not move-
until mom came and stuck me
on the book she was writing.
I stayed there for a year,
I stayed til she sold her book-
it was a success,
but I was hurt.

I landed in Vernville-
that was a bore.
I stayed there until someone stuck me on their book
and sold me in their very own store.

People stopped by-
they never looked at me
for I was getting old.
Now I am ugly.

I really should write more,
but I have to eat my lunch...
Post-it souffle!

Orange and Limes--Elliott

This orange ball is made of foam.
It's light, not hard as stone.

It's from the shelf behind some cards and some tape,
And I like it-not like Professor Snape.

You may not like it how I have to explain everything,
But I have to, to make it rhyme.

What does "rhyme" rhyme with?
Ah ha! Lime.

And what does "lime" rhyme with?
Lime, rhyme, and time!

It is time to squeeze limes on lunch.
Lunch is orange,
My that tastes fine!

Ah ha! "Fine" rhymes with "lime".
I like to write about limes,
They are quite fine.

Horseback Riding--Leah

I went horseback riding twice in Costa Rica, so I will tell you about the first time I went.

The first time I went horseback riding there was a group of people. There were five kids and about ten adults. We rode on horseback to a waterfall. Sometimes it was very annoying because the horses wanted to eat apples, oranges, or mangoes off the trail ground.

My sister Clara sat with my mom Maria because she didn't want to go by herself. Their horse was called Canello (that is cinnamon in Spanish). I had my own horse. It was brown, but I forgot it's name. I was wearing an orange Holland shirt and some green pants. My dad Gerd had a very mean horse. It was white, but I don't know what his name was.

My horse and my dad's horse had a horse race. We were racing up a hill. I was bumping up and down. My horse won the race.

We went to lunch at a little hut. There were chickens, deer, and sometimes there were rabbits. There was also a hammock. I sat in the hammock after lunch.

Then we rode on our horses back to our car and we drove to our hotel.

A Thought Bubble--Uma

Think of a thought, only you can see your plan. What do you think, you're the only one who knows what you see? Think think think hard about your thought. Yes-that one you have right now. Think of that thought now now now. Yes-I do see your thought bubble rising into the air.

Don't pop that thought until it's clear clear clear! Standing on the street, a woman is thinking. People start to emerge and ask themselves in their thought bubbles, "What is that woman doing?" But there's another thought: not only are people weird, people are unique. Yes, it's finally clear.

Skipping, hopping, jumping, and running, she figured out her thought bubble. It starts to shrink, but next time it will appear here here and everywhere. Wait a minute-I have another thought. You can never stop that thought thought thought, and it will happen like a click because you're always thinking. Oh, look! No, no, don't stop that thought. Oh, well-there will be lots of other times and the thought bubble closes.

A thought bubble is important because thinking is good for your brain and it's good not to know some things so you can wonder about it for a while.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Which seed will you grow?--letter from an editor

I'm talking about a writing seed--a topic or theme that you will focus on for your first published piece. It's time to pick one.
So, where will you find it? In your writer's notebook.
How will you find it? Read. Start at the beginning of your writer's notebook and keep some post-its close by. Look for:
-something that feels important when you read it
-something well-written
-something you're an expert on
-something you want to know more about
-something that stirs a feeling inside you.

Mark these kinds of ideas with post-its.

Re-read the entries with post-its. Look for ideas that connect two or more entries. Look for a word, sentence, or whole entry that could be your seed.

Choose a seed and start a special section in your notebook to gather your ideas.

This special section will begin to turn into a draft by the end of the week.