Friday, October 12, 2007

a letter from your editors

Dear Air class writers,

Look what you've done! This is an impressive collection of vignettes, letters, short stories, and poetry. Congratulations on your first workshop publication! We like how you tried out many different writing strategies. We noticed writers:
-writing in the form of a letter, following the model of Leigh in Dear Mr. Henshaw (Beverly Cleary).
-"Writing Small", using lots of sensory details like we saw in The Seashore Book (Charlotte Zolotow).
-"Writing off an Object", a strategy we explored through story-telling treasures and Wilfred Gordon McDonald Partridge (Mem Fox).
-exploring questions and "Fierce Wonderings".
-telling stories from several viewpoints, like Knots on a Counting Rope (Bill Martin Jr. and John Archambault).

Congratulations. Let's celebrate and get ready for the next writing cycle!

your editors (Kristin & Seema)

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