Friday, October 12, 2007

Dear Mario, --Stuart

Dear Mario,
I know you don't exist, but I'm still going to write to you-this is it. It feels really cool playing Super-Mario Brothers. I want all the games-don't worry I'm not like Wario. I want a game called "Mario and Luigi vs. Baby Mario and Baby Luigi." Or "Super Chalk Mario." I really, really like your video games. I have some questions for you:
1. How old are you?
2. How old is Luigi?
3. How old is toad?
4. What's your last name?


p.s. You are my favorite video game character to play.


Donna said...

Dear Stuart,

These are good questions! I especially wonder what Mario's last name is. Maybe it's Mario Gelato? Yum!

Donna and Owen

stuart said...

From Stuart- There seem to be some typos in my blog. I meant to say "don't worry I'm not like Wario" ( instead of Mario) and "Super chalk Mario" (instead of Super Mario). There are a million Super Mario somethings... Thanks!

Air Class said...

Hi Stuart,
Oops! Thanks for alerting me to those typos.