Monday, April 28, 2008

Draft: Brownie's Wish by Dewi Zarni

It was almost Christmas and Brownie was very excited. All of town was participating in Secret Santa (which by the way is where you pull names and you get a gift for whoever you pull, but you don't tell who you got). Brownie had pulled Chef Cream Cake and he was going to get him a brand new blender.

When he went to the store he saw his friends, Cottontail the bunny and Bean & Bambaloogy, the hamster twins. Bean & Bambaloogy had gotten their Secret Santa caroling instruments and Cottontail got a ball of yarn.
"Oh", said Brownie "Are you gonna make your gift?"
"Yes", said Cottontail.
The three scampered off.

The next day was the Christmas tree ceremony at town hall. When Brownie got there all the guests were arriving. He hurried inside, placed the package down, and ran to the table. It was time for the Secret Santa. First was Chef Cream Cake. She opened her gift, "a blender, thanks." After a long list of people came Brownie's turn.

He opened the small package, only to find a pair of mittens. He started yelling, "Somebody just got me a small pair of mittens, probably left over from some hand me down!" He stomped out and went back home. If he had stayed longer he would have noticed each tiny silver string and he would have seen Cottontail start crying. About ten minutes later the Bean and Bambaloogy twins came over and knocked on the door, it opened. Bean and Bambaloogy went in calling, "Brownie, Brownie," in their high-pitched voices. Finally, Brownie came out. "What?" He said sniffling.
"Cottontail worked hard making those mittens," said Bean and Bambaloogy.
"Sh-sh-she made them?" asked Brownie.
"Yes, so please come back," they asked.
Brownie got back just in time for Christmas breakfast.

He slung around the mittens around his neck to be polite, but he still wasn't satisfied. But, then he realized something. He was quite cold. "I wish I had some hot chocolate" POOF! A hot chocolate mug appeared in front of him. "Cool, I wonder where this came from." "Mmmmmm", he said as he started drinking. "I wish everyone could have some of this." POOF! Glasses of hot chocolate appeared. "Wow," said Brownie.

"I wi-."
"Wait! The mittens were magic," said Cottontail. They give you three wishes this your last wish make it special." "Hmmm." Brownie thought, he was about to say he wished for a better present, but he realized something, x-mas was not all about the presents, it was about spending time with your friends. "I wish everybody had a friend as good as Cottontail to spend time with on x-mas eve."
"He, he- I think that counts as two wishes but I'm pretty sure they will both come true."

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