Thursday, April 3, 2008

Draft: I have a dream...--Zavrey

I have a dream that my gecko will have babies. If my gecko had babies I could release them back into the Arabian desert and that would make a pet for free for somebody. More animals make my next dream come true.

I have a dream that animals will be free. Animals have as much right as humans because humans are animals.

I have a dream that the world will be peaceful. If there was only one president in the world then it would be a peaceful president like Obama or someone else. The there would be no war, no weapons (which create war), and no sadness.

I have a dream that everyone will be happy and that everyone will be healthy. Happy and healthy people make a happy and healthy environment. People ride their bikes, exercise, go on hikes, eat organic food, don't go to zoos, and love all kinds of geckos.

I have a dream that Native Americans will have their land back and that also the Native Americans will be back. Native Americans are humans. They just have different religions.

I have a dream that all of my dreams will come true.

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