Thursday, April 24, 2008

Draft: I love it-Uma

I am Mac a horse and I love it at the shows the Ferry-er smell the leather saddle smell and the fresh hay waiting for me in my temporary stall.

I am ridden by one of the nicest girls I know she's wonderful.

We sail over the jumps racing the ground painting the wind and blowing the crowd's minds with me under her heart singing.

But I really like when me and Uma get presented the blue ribbon for best show jumping in the all girls equestrian show jumping competition.

That night I think of sailing over the jumps racing the ground painting the wind and blowing people's minds. I love it.

The girl's perspective
I am so glad I have a not perfect horse trainer rather than a perfect horse trainer that buys everything because when I was four every horse trainer was perfect perfect cream colored jogpers (riding pants) and new black crops (whips) and most of all, they all rode English and made fun of Westerns.

They didn't work for me. I was glad they said I was too young but it really hurt and hey if you want to be good at riding you have to start young. So we kept looking, day after day, dream after dream, week after week, and then finally we found Karen who wore regular jeans her hanged down on her shoulders finally not somebody in a bun and professional riding outfit and she didn't hold her horse's head up so high I was about to scrape the sky. I love it.

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